Tips to Launch Your Business Development to the Next Level

Posted on May 4, 2021 by Silvia Coulter

It’s all about the basics.  Here are some reminders to add fuel to your sales efforts.

  1. Make it easy for people to do business with you.  Add your contact information to the emails you initiate and the emails you reply to (from Outlook and handhelds).  It is easy to do, and it makes responding to you much more accessible for people who are trying to find your contact information quickly.
  2. Do the reps and see results.  Just like working out, you see more significant benefits if you do the reps and stay in touch regularly with at least 40-50 contacts each quarter and be patient.  You will see results. Think of ways to add value; send links to what’s going on at the firm and call with updates instead of always relying on e-alerts.  Remember the old tagline, “reach out and touch someone?”  It works.
  3. There’s nothing like a hand-written note.  Technology is terrific. That said, few opportunities to connect on a personal level with clients and contacts exist today. So, take the time over the holidays to send a hand-written note to the people who helped you with your career—referral sources, clients, influential resources, vendors, and other important contacts.  People appreciate the effort, and more importantly, it shows you care about the relationship.  Whatever the occasion, take the time to write. For the summer, send a book to your best contacts with a quick note to show you appreciate their business or referrals.
  4. YOU are the product.  Keep your bio updated.  It is up to you to put a WOW in your bio, provide representative examples of your work/results, and write it so it is reader oriented.  It is your only sales sheet, so update it at least quarterly, so those who are downloading it or referring others to you will have the latest and greatest information about you.
  5. Stay updated on social networks. Remember to update your profiles on social networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook, so it is easy to find you. Showcase your work and the work of your firm by posting on your page.
  6. Think of three things to say that will make you memorable when you meet people.  Also known as your elevator speech, you need a snappy introduction. Do not just say you help businesses with their acquisitions, for example, if you are an M&A lawyer.  That’s fairly forgettable.  I help our clients with their growth strategy…I’m an M&A lawyer with XXX firm. Or “I help to protect shareholder value. I’m a securities litigator/IP litigator with XXX firm.” They’ll remember you the next time—give people opportunities to connect with you by making yourself interesting and memorable.  Discuss what you do by focusing on the benefits your clients receive by working with you and the firm.


About the Author: Silvia Coulter is a co-founding Principal of LawVision Group. Silvia Coulter is widely regarded as one of the legal industry’s most experienced business development and leadership consultants. Her experience includes working as a former strategic account executive and sales leader at a Fortune 50 company, a chief marketing and business development officer at two global law firms, and consultant and facilitator to professional services firms across the globe. She was an Adjunct Professor at George Washington University’s College of Professional Studies in the Master’s in Law Firm Management program (2010-2019), a co-founder of the Legal Sales and Service Organization (, a Past Elected President of the Legal Marketing Association, and an elected Fellow of the College of Law Practice Management. She is a frequent speaker and facilitator at professional service firm retreats and legal industry meetings. Silvia is the co-author of three books: The Woman Lawyer’s Rainmaking Game, Rainmaking Advantage, and SAM-Legal: Turning Key Clients into Strategic Accounts.


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